Don’t let Grinches ruin your Holiday Season


2023-11-29 10:38 PST

File # 2023

The Grinch

The Holiday/Christmas Season brings out the best and unfortunately, the worst in people. Every year criminals anxiously await to have the opportunity to steal your hard-earned money, rob you of recently purchased gifts and squash those memories that would have been created. Don’t let this happen to you!

To assist with keeping you safe this Holiday Season, the Nanaimo RCMP presents: Twelve tips to a safe holiday season:

Be aware of fake websites

Did you know that there are websites that look exactly like the real ones but are 100-percent fake? The only difference could be one letter in the web address. Double check that you have correctly entered the web address before buying anything. To find out if the website you are on is secure, look for the icon of a locked padlock at the bottom of the screen or https in the URL address

Porch pirates

These scoundrels are working overtime waiting for packages to be left unattended on decks, front steps and porches of homes. Plan ahead; if you’re not going to be home, arrange to have your parcel delivered to your work place, a trusted friend or left at the delivery warehouse

Keep those receipts

Criminals are salivating at the opportunity to dive into dumpsters in search of discarded receipts.  Your receipts may also be needed to correct an over charge or a discrepancy on your bank statement. When they are no longer required, shred them

Travelling this season and your home is empty

Tell a friend, neighbor or Block Captain. Purchase smart appliances and have your lights on a timer. Cancel your mail and if you have an alarm, provide the code and keys to your home with a someone you trust

Shoulder surfers

When entering your PIN for purchases, shield your entry from the person standing next to you

Pick pockets

Pick pockets love this time of year so they can work their craft. Keep your wallet in your front pocket and purses closed and close by

Parcels in vehicles

Don’t leave anything of value in vehicles and in plain view of prying eyes. If possible, take your purchases home or lock them securely in the trunk of your vehicle

Beware of fake charities

Do your homework before dishing out your hard-earned money. Google and social media searches will can assist in determining if they’re legit or not

Prep and plan for bad weather

Winter tires are a must. Along with having a mechanically sound vehicle, place emergency supplies in the trunk: toque, gloves, some food, scraper, candles, shovel, light, reflective vest et al

Walking to your vehicle

Have your keys in hand and always check the backseat and around the vehicle before getting in

Shopping with small children

Have a plan in place if you get separated. If your children are too small to remember your cell number, think about pinning the number inside their jacket or putting it in their pocket. If you’re going into a very busy store, how about snapping a picture of your children. In the event they get lost, this picture will be a tremendous asset and can be quickly shared with others who are searching for your child

Check your bank statements

Always be on the look out for fraudulent purchases and contact your bank or credit card company immediately.

Be smart, but more importantly, be safe this holiday/Christmas season. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please contact the Nanaimo RCMP Community Policing Section at 250-755-4469 or by email at   

Released by:

R/Cst Gary O'Brien
Media Relations Officer
Nanaimo RCMP
303 Prideaux St, Nanaimo, BC V9R 2N3
Office: 250-734-5445
Cell: 250-713-0701


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